Ore Separator
  • Application and Advantages of MINGDE AI Sorter in Non-metallic Ores Application and Advantages of MINGDE AI Sorter in Non-metallic Ores Jun 03, 2024
    Non-metallic ores are important resources for the national economy. Ore sorting and processing are of great significance to improving resource utilization and optimizing industrial structure. With the rapid development of AI technology, MINGDE AI sorting machine has shown strong application potential and advantages in the field of non-metallic ore sorting. This article will give a detailed overview of the application of MINGDE AI sorting machine in non-metallic ores, including its technical principles, application characteristics, actual effects and future development trends, in order to provide reference and reference for the intelligent upgrading of the non-metallic ore industry. 1. Technical principles and characteristics of MINGDE AI sorting machine MINGDE AI sorting machine uses advanced AI and computer vision technology to identify and analyze images of non-metallic ores through deep learning algorithms. The equipment uses high-speed cameras to capture the texture, color, shape, gloss, texture and other characteristic information of the ore surface, and uses powerful computing power to process and analyze this information in real time, thereby achieving accurate sorting of non-metallic ores. MINGDE AI sorting machine has the following salient features: High-precision identification: MINGDE AI sorting machine can accurately identify multiple characteristics of non-metallic ores, including color, texture, shape, gloss, etc., thereby achieving accurate classification and screening of ores. High-efficiency sorting: This equipment has high-speed processing capabilities and can quickly complete the sorting of large quantities of non-metallic ores, significantly improving production efficiency. Automated operation: MINGDE AI sorting machine realizes the automated sorting process, reduces manual intervention, reduces labor intensity, and improves production safety. Flexible configuration: The equipment can be flexibly adjusted according to the sorting requirements of different non-metallic ores. It has strong adaptability and can be widely used in various non-metallic ore sorting scenarios.   2. Application of MINGDE AI Sorting Machine in Non-metallic Ores Ore sorting and screening There are many types of non-metallic ores, and different types of ores have significant differences in composition, use and value. MINGDE artificial intelligence sorting machine can accurately classify and screen the ores according to their surface characteristics, and effectively separate the ores and veins in different non-metallic ores, providing convenience for subsequent processing and utilization. Impurity removal and purification Non-metallic ores often contain various impurities, which not only affect the quality of the ore, but also increase the difficulty and cost of subsequent processing. MINGDE AI sorting machine can accurately identify and remove impurities in the ore, improve the purity of the ore, and provide high-quality raw materials for subsequent processing. Particle size analysis and control The particle size of non-metallic ores has an important influence on their performance and application areas. MINGDE AI sorting machine can adjust the corresponding parameters according to application requirements, and perform precise control as required to produce ore products that meet specific requirements. 3. Analysis of the application effect of MINGDE AI sorting machine The application of MINGDE AI sorting machine in non-metallic ores has achieved remarkable results. First, the equipment improves the sorting accuracy and efficiency of non-metallic ores, making ore resources more fully utilized and reducing resource waste. Secondly, through the automated sorting process, manual intervention and labor intensity are reduced, and production safety and efficiency are improved. In addition, MINGDE AI sorter can also be flexibly configured and optimized according to the characteristics of different non-metallic ores, improving the flexibility and adaptability of the sorting process. 4. Future development trend of MINGDE AI sorting machine in non-metallic ores With the continuous advancement of artificial intelligence technology and the expansion of application scenarios, the application of MINGDE AI sorting machine in the field of non-metallic ores will show the following development trends: Technological innovation continues to accelerate With the continuous innovation and development of artificial intelligence technologies such as deep learning and computer vision, the recognition accuracy and processing speed of Mingde artificial intelligence sorting machine will be further improved, providing more efficient and accurate solutions for the sorting of non-metallic ores. Wider application scenarios MINGDE AI sorting machine is not only used in traditional non-metallic ore sorting scenarios, but can also be expanded to more fields. Ores and materials with specific surface characteristics can be sorted. At the same time, the equipment will also be linked with other intelligent equipment and systems to build a more complete non-metallic ore intelligent sorting system. The level of intelligence continues to improve With the integration and application of technologies such as big data and cloud computing, MINGDE AI sorting machine will realize a more intelligent sorting process. By collecting and analyzing sorting data in real time, the equipment can continuously optimize the sorting algorithm and parameter settings to improve sorting accuracy and efficiency. At the same time, the intelligent sorting system will also have adaptive and self-learning capabilities, and can automatically adjust and optimize according to the characteristics of different non-metallic ores. https://www.mdoresorting.com/mingde-ai-sorting-machine-separate-quartzmicafeldspar-from-pegmatite 5. Conclusion The application of MINGDE AI sorting machine in the field of non-metallic ores provides strong support for the effective utilization of ore resources and industrial upgrading. Through the characteristics of high-precision identification, high-efficiency sorting and automated operation, the equipment significantly improves the sorting efficiency and accuracy of non-metallic ores, reduces resource waste and production costs. In the future, with the continuous innovation of technology and the expansion of application scenarios, MINGDE AI sorting machine will play a more important role in the field of non-metallic ores, and promote the intelligent upgrading and sustainable development of the industry. However, we should also recognize that the application of artificial intelligence technology in the field of non-metallic ore sorting still faces some challenges and limitations. For example, the identification and processing of some complex ores may require more advanced algorithms and technical support; therefore, we need to continue to increase research and development efforts to improve the technical level and performance of MINGDE AI sorting machines to promote their wider application in the field of non-metallic ores. In summary, as an important technological achievement in the field of non-metallic ore sorting, MINGDE AI sorting machine has broad application prospects and is full of potential. We have reason to believe that in the future development, INGDE AI sorting machine will make greater contributions to the intelligent upgrading and sustainable development of the non-metallic ore industry with its unique advantages and characteristics.    
  • Practical Application and Separation of Potassium Feldspar Practical Application and Separation of Potassium Feldspar Jul 20, 2024
    Potassium feldspar is a common feldspar mineral with the chemical formula NaAlSi3O8, belonging to the category of sodium aluminum silicate. It usually appears as glassy crystals and can be colorless, white, yellow, red or black. Potassium feldspar is most common in pegmatites and felsic igneous rocks such as granite, and is also found in low-grade metamorphic rocks and some sedimentary rocks. The hardness of potassium feldspar is about 6-6.5, the density is between 2.61-2.64 g/cm³, and the melting point is about 1100℃. Its theoretical chemical composition is Na2O: 11.8%, Al2O3: 19.4%, SiO2: 68.8%, but this theoretical value is difficult to achieve in nature. The classification of potassium feldspar usually based on its chemical composition and crystal structure. According to the chemical composition, potassium feldspar can be divided into different subspecies, such as albite, oligoclase and bytownite. According to the crystal structure, it can be divided into monoclinic system and triclinic system. These classifications are instructive for understanding the physical and chemical properties of potassium feldspar and its application in industry. Potassium feldspar plays an important role in the ceramic industry. It can be used as a flux, a ceramic body ingredient and a glaze. Before firing, potassium feldspar can reduce the drying shrinkage and deformation of the body, improve the drying performance and shorten the drying time. During firing, it can be used as a flux to reduce the firing temperature and improve the light transmittance of the body. potassium feldspar is also one of the important raw materials in the glass industry. It can increase the alumina content in the glass mixture, reduce the melting temperature, and adjust the viscosity and chemical composition of the glass. In addition, potassium feldspar is also used in the chemical industry, abrasives and tools, welding rods and other industries. For example, it can be used as a raw material for enamel, the main raw material for refractory materials, and as a filler in detergents, toothpaste, cosmetics and other industries. The purity of potassium feldspar directly affects its application effect in industrial production. For example, in the ceramic industry, high-purity potassium feldspar can significantly reduce the firing temperature and improve the quality and performance of the product. Therefore, accurately judging the purity of potassium feldspar is of great significance to ensure product quality and production efficiency. The determination of potassium feldspar purity usually involves the following aspects: Chemical composition analysis: Through chemical analysis methods such as ICP, XRF, AAS, etc., the main components of potassium feldspar, such as SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, TiO2, K2O and Na2O, can be accurately determined. The content of these components directly reflects the purity of potassium feldspar. Physical property test: Including tests of physical properties such as hardness, density, melting point, etc., these properties can also indirectly reflect the purity of potassium feldspar. Mineral composition analysis: Through methods such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), the mineral type and content of potassium feldspar can be determined, which is also a method to judge purity. The main method of impurity separation Flotation method: By adding different flotation agents, the surface properties of potassium feldspar and other impurity minerals are changed, thereby achieving separation. Magnetic separation: Separate iron-containing impurities from potassium feldspar by using magnetic differences. Chemical impurity removal technology: Dissolve and remove impurities in the ore by acid washing and other methods. High-temperature chlorination method: Use high temperature and chlorine to separate impurity iron from potassium feldspar. Microbial method: Use microbial metabolites to react with iron impurities, and then use other methods to remove impurities. Photoelectric sorting: This is an emerging ore sorting technology that combines photoelectric detection and artificial intelligence algorithms to achieve intelligent ore sorting by identifying multi-dimensional features such as spectral characteristics, texture, and color of the ore. This technology has significant advantages in improving ore sorting efficiency, reducing costs, protecting the environment, and promoting resource recovery. https://www.mdoresorting.com/wet-intelligent-minerals-separator-ore-sorting-machine-leading-manufacturer-of-china High efficiency: Photoelectric sorting technology can quickly remove a large amount of useless gangue, reduce the pressure of subsequent mineral processing links, and improve sorting efficiency. Low cost: Compared with traditional physical mineral processing and chemical mineral processing, the cost of photoelectric mineral processing is lower, and the cost of mineral processing per ton is about $0.15. Environmental protection: Photoelectric mineral processing technology has zero pollution to the environment and is a greener mineral processing method. Technological progress: With the development of computer technology and artificial intelligence technology, the intelligence level of photoelectric mineral processing equipment has been continuously improved. Strong adaptability: By introducing cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data analysis, the intelligence level and adaptability of the photoelectric sorting system have been greatly improved. High safety: Photoelectric mineral processing equipment does not need to add any chemical agents during operation, avoiding the safety risks that may be caused by chemical agents. Technological innovation: China is in a leading position in the research and development of core components in the intelligent photoelectric mineral processing equipment manufacturing industry. Resource recovery: Photoelectric sorting technology has significant advantages in processing low-grade ore resources, and can fully recycle and utilize ore resources that were originally difficult to develop and utilize economically and efficiently. System stability: Photoelectric sorting technology is still in the development stage, but through continuous technological innovation and optimization, the stability and anti-interference ability of the system are constantly improving. Cost-effectiveness: The research and development and application of photoelectric mineral processing technology always focus on cost control and cost-effectiveness.
  • Photoelectric Separation: Helping to Enrich the Grade of Gold Mines Photoelectric Separation: Helping to Enrich the Grade of Gold Mines Jul 27, 2024
    Gold deposits can be broadly classified into vein gold deposits and placer gold deposits. The vein gold deposits are mainly formed by internal geological forces, mainly by volcanoes, magma, and geological actions; the placer gold deposits are mainly formed by mountain gold deposits exposed on the surface, which are weathered, eroded, and broken into gold sand, gold grains, gold flakes, and gold foam after long-term weathering, erosion, and crushing. Under the action of wind and water flow, they are gathered and deposited in rivers, lakes, and coasts, forming alluvial, alluvial, or coastal placer gold deposits; another part is weathered and eroded to form residual placer gold deposits or slope-accumulated placer gold deposits. The mineralization age of this type of ore is generally relatively long. According to the associated conditions, my country's gold deposit types can also be divided into gold-bearing quartz veins, gold-bearing pyrite quartz veins, gold-bearing pyrite altered granites, gold-bearing polymetallic sulfide ore quartz veins, gold-bearing oxide ore quartz veins, and gold-bearing tungsten-arsenic ore quartz veins. The grade of vein gold ore in industrial mining is generally 3~5g/ton, with a cut-off grade of 1~2g/ton, and the grade of placer gold is 0.2~0.3g/m3, with a cut-off grade of 0.05~0.1g/m3. However, the current gold mining in my country is mainly based on vein gold deposits, accounting for about 75%~85%. At present, gold mines are widely used in jewelry, industry, high-tech and other industries. Due to its scarcity and non-renewable nature, its overall value is relatively high. At present, the gold ore dressing methods are mainly divided into four types: gravity separation, flotation, chemical separation, and photoelectric separation. Gravity separation is suitable for coarse gold recovery. It is generally an auxiliary process in gold ore dressing and is used as a pre-selection process before flotation or chemical separation. Flotation is widely used in rock deposits. There are suction or aeration stirring flotation machines for flotation. Chemical separation mainly includes amalgamation and chlorination. Amalgamation is mainly suitable for coarse monomer gold, but it is gradually replaced due to its high pollution. Chlorination mainly includes stirring chlorination and percolation chlorination. The above three separations are conventional gold ore separations. For gold mines with economic mining grade or higher than industrial grade, the separation cost is lower than the economic cost. However, the general situation of gold mines in my country is that there are fewer rich mines and more poor mines. In terms of mining difficulty, there are fewer easy mines and more difficult mines. Most gold mines have a grade of less than 2 grams/ton, which is at or below the critical mining grade. If the above methods are used for direct separation, many gold mines will be lower than the economic mining value. The photoelectric sorting method grasps the pain points and difficulties of domestic gold ore sorting, and uses AI + photoelectric sorting to enrich the gold ore by pre-discarding the gold ore, thereby achieving a higher economic mining grade, and solving the problem of low grade and high sorting cost of domestic gold ore. The working principle is mainly to crush and dissociate the gold ore, and then use the AI sorting machine to establish a multi-dimensional three-dimensional model of the ore. The AI photoelectric sorting machine is used to identify the comprehensive characteristics of the gold ore surface, such as texture, color, gloss, shape, and reflectivity. After the industrial computer is combined with AI technology, the concentrate and waste rock in the gold ore are sorted out, so as to achieve the purpose of gold ore enrichment.   The ore that has passed the AI ore sorting machine only needs normal crushing and dissociation, and the particle size is 0.5cm-10cm, which is about 3-4 times the size of the selected particle size. It can be directly sorted and enriched, and the discarded tailings can be used as materials for various buildings, mine backfill, etc. After enrichment, the gold ore is separated by flotation or chemical separation. Pre-disposal reduces the processing level of the original ore and saves the processing cost of subsequent processes. For some gold mines below the economic mining grade, AI ore sorting machines can be used to enrich them to the economic mining grade, thereby increasing the utilization value of a large number of low-grade gold mines. AI sorting machines can not only sort gold ore, but also can use AI machines to sort gold associated ores as long as they can be crushed and dissociated, thereby increasing the comprehensive utilization rate of the mine. At the same time, the cost of the AI sorting machine itself Mingde Optoelectronics AI Ore Sorting Machine has mature technical accumulation for gold ore sorting. It can pre-dispose waste tailings on the premise of enriching gold ore, and the gold grade of the discarded tailings is far lower than the economic mining grade.

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