photoelectric sorting machine
  • Photoelectric Sorting of Titanium Sponge Photoelectric Sorting of Titanium Sponge Jul 13, 2024
    Recently, the attention to titanium alloys has increased again. As a key raw material for the production of titanium alloys, titanium sponge can be used to manufacture products in aerospace, national defense, chemical industry, consumer electronics and other fields. Due to its excellent physical and chemical properties, titanium sponge occupies a pivotal position in the demand for high-performance materials. The main producing countries of titanium sponge include the United States, Russia, China, Japan, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, etc. Among them, China is the world's largest producer of titanium sponge, and its output accounts for 62.7% of the global total output. The United States and Russia are also important producers of titanium sponge. Although their output is not as good as that of China, they occupy an important position in the high-end market. Japan and Ukraine occupy a certain share in the production of titanium sponge. In recent years, China has made significant progress in the research of ultra-soft titanium sponge. After years of hard work, Panzhihua Iron and Steel Research Institute Co., Ltd. of Panzhihua Iron and Steel Group has successfully developed ultra-soft titanium sponge suitable for the aviation field, breaking the monopoly of foreign technology and providing key material support for the country's aviation industry. The market status of titanium sponge shows that the global output of titanium sponge will be 279,000 tons in 2022, a year-on-year increase of 14.6%. China's titanium sponge production accounts for 62.7% of the world's total production. China's titanium sponge market concentration is relatively high. In 2019, Pangang Titanium's titanium sponge production accounted for 22.4% of the country's titanium sponge production. Luoyang Shuangrui Wanji, Guizhou Zun Titanium, Chaoyang Parkson, and Chaoyang Jinda's titanium sponge production accounted for 18.9%, 14.6%, 11.8%, and 10.4% of the country's titanium sponge production, respectively. By analyzing the impurities in titanium sponge and the requirements for sorting accuracy, and referring to the feasibility of other sorting equipment on the market, the equipment that can not only sort out foreign matter in titanium sponge, but also meet the requirements of sorting particle size, sorting accuracy, and production site is the AI ​​artificial intelligence sorting machine of Mingde Optoelectronics. First of all, the AI artificial intelligence sorting machine can establish an identification model based on the materials to be sorted. If new materials to be identified are added, they can be added through training in the later stage. It can simultaneously identify multiple foreign objects and accurately separate them; the equipment can currently support the sorting of materials with a particle size of more than 3mm, and the equipment has been mature and applied in large quantities in the field of ores, which can fully meet the sorting requirements of titanium sponge. https://www.mdoresorting.com/ai-intelligent-mineral-ore-sorting-machine Deep identification, high precision. Mingde Optoelectronics Artificial Intelligence Sorting Machine is equipped with AI artificial intelligence technology and human eye recognition module, which can comprehensively and deeply identify material characteristics, realize real-time material analysis, and have high recognition accuracy. It can also train and learn new material types through learning mode to further improve the overall sorting effect. High-speed collaborative stable system, large output. The modules of the ore sorting machine run at high speed, and each functional area operates efficiently and collaboratively. The whole machine runs stably and strongly, and the ore sorting is done in one go, achieving greater output. Multi-dimensional analysis technology, significant effect. From the multi-dimensional identification of the texture, color, shape, texture, etc. of the material to be sorted, the ore positioning algorithm, adaptive algorithm, precise material center, and precise blowing positioning, the accuracy of the rejection system is improved, and the sorting effect is good. Master the core technology and the application range of mineral processing is wide. The sorting machine uses the advantages of advanced technology to realize the gradual upgrading of mineral processing technology. Its application range is wide, solving the problem of complex structure and low utilization rate of various materials.
  • Practical Application and Separation of Potassium Feldspar Practical Application and Separation of Potassium Feldspar Jul 20, 2024
    Potassium feldspar is a common feldspar mineral with the chemical formula NaAlSi3O8, belonging to the category of sodium aluminum silicate. It usually appears as glassy crystals and can be colorless, white, yellow, red or black. Potassium feldspar is most common in pegmatites and felsic igneous rocks such as granite, and is also found in low-grade metamorphic rocks and some sedimentary rocks. The hardness of potassium feldspar is about 6-6.5, the density is between 2.61-2.64 g/cm³, and the melting point is about 1100℃. Its theoretical chemical composition is Na2O: 11.8%, Al2O3: 19.4%, SiO2: 68.8%, but this theoretical value is difficult to achieve in nature. The classification of potassium feldspar usually based on its chemical composition and crystal structure. According to the chemical composition, potassium feldspar can be divided into different subspecies, such as albite, oligoclase and bytownite. According to the crystal structure, it can be divided into monoclinic system and triclinic system. These classifications are instructive for understanding the physical and chemical properties of potassium feldspar and its application in industry. Potassium feldspar plays an important role in the ceramic industry. It can be used as a flux, a ceramic body ingredient and a glaze. Before firing, potassium feldspar can reduce the drying shrinkage and deformation of the body, improve the drying performance and shorten the drying time. During firing, it can be used as a flux to reduce the firing temperature and improve the light transmittance of the body. potassium feldspar is also one of the important raw materials in the glass industry. It can increase the alumina content in the glass mixture, reduce the melting temperature, and adjust the viscosity and chemical composition of the glass. In addition, potassium feldspar is also used in the chemical industry, abrasives and tools, welding rods and other industries. For example, it can be used as a raw material for enamel, the main raw material for refractory materials, and as a filler in detergents, toothpaste, cosmetics and other industries. The purity of potassium feldspar directly affects its application effect in industrial production. For example, in the ceramic industry, high-purity potassium feldspar can significantly reduce the firing temperature and improve the quality and performance of the product. Therefore, accurately judging the purity of potassium feldspar is of great significance to ensure product quality and production efficiency. The determination of potassium feldspar purity usually involves the following aspects: Chemical composition analysis: Through chemical analysis methods such as ICP, XRF, AAS, etc., the main components of potassium feldspar, such as SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, TiO2, K2O and Na2O, can be accurately determined. The content of these components directly reflects the purity of potassium feldspar. Physical property test: Including tests of physical properties such as hardness, density, melting point, etc., these properties can also indirectly reflect the purity of potassium feldspar. Mineral composition analysis: Through methods such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), the mineral type and content of potassium feldspar can be determined, which is also a method to judge purity. The main method of impurity separation Flotation method: By adding different flotation agents, the surface properties of potassium feldspar and other impurity minerals are changed, thereby achieving separation. Magnetic separation: Separate iron-containing impurities from potassium feldspar by using magnetic differences. Chemical impurity removal technology: Dissolve and remove impurities in the ore by acid washing and other methods. High-temperature chlorination method: Use high temperature and chlorine to separate impurity iron from potassium feldspar. Microbial method: Use microbial metabolites to react with iron impurities, and then use other methods to remove impurities. Photoelectric sorting: This is an emerging ore sorting technology that combines photoelectric detection and artificial intelligence algorithms to achieve intelligent ore sorting by identifying multi-dimensional features such as spectral characteristics, texture, and color of the ore. This technology has significant advantages in improving ore sorting efficiency, reducing costs, protecting the environment, and promoting resource recovery. https://www.mdoresorting.com/wet-intelligent-minerals-separator-ore-sorting-machine-leading-manufacturer-of-china High efficiency: Photoelectric sorting technology can quickly remove a large amount of useless gangue, reduce the pressure of subsequent mineral processing links, and improve sorting efficiency. Low cost: Compared with traditional physical mineral processing and chemical mineral processing, the cost of photoelectric mineral processing is lower, and the cost of mineral processing per ton is about $0.15. Environmental protection: Photoelectric mineral processing technology has zero pollution to the environment and is a greener mineral processing method. Technological progress: With the development of computer technology and artificial intelligence technology, the intelligence level of photoelectric mineral processing equipment has been continuously improved. Strong adaptability: By introducing cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data analysis, the intelligence level and adaptability of the photoelectric sorting system have been greatly improved. High safety: Photoelectric mineral processing equipment does not need to add any chemical agents during operation, avoiding the safety risks that may be caused by chemical agents. Technological innovation: China is in a leading position in the research and development of core components in the intelligent photoelectric mineral processing equipment manufacturing industry. Resource recovery: Photoelectric sorting technology has significant advantages in processing low-grade ore resources, and can fully recycle and utilize ore resources that were originally difficult to develop and utilize economically and efficiently. System stability: Photoelectric sorting technology is still in the development stage, but through continuous technological innovation and optimization, the stability and anti-interference ability of the system are constantly improving. Cost-effectiveness: The research and development and application of photoelectric mineral processing technology always focus on cost control and cost-effectiveness.
  • AI intelligent Sorting Machine: A New Choice for Ore Sorting AI intelligent Sorting Machine: A New Choice for Ore Sorting Jul 20, 2024
    As the number of ore resources with low mining difficulty and good quality is decreasing, mining companies are gradually falling into trouble, especially low-grade mining companies. How to improve the economic value of mines? Reduce the overall mining and selection costs? It is an important problem facing its development, especially at the current stage, the mining and selection technology and production process improvements of industrial and mining enterprises are in a stagnant stage. The only best choice is to break the existing thinking mode. In view of the current situation of industrial and mining enterprises, there will be no major breakthroughs in mining and selection technology for the time being. Only by looking for external breakthroughs in the production process can new innovations be achieved. It is obvious that the best solution is to start with the sorting after the crushing and dissociation of the original ore. Some people will definitely ask why? In fact, it is very simple. We need to understand what ore sorting is and what is the difference between the sorting mentioned and the sorting at the current stage. The ore sorting mentioned here is to enrich the grade of the ore in advance before grinding and crushing, and to raise the pre-throwing waste tailings to reduce the amount of ore entering the subsequent process, saving a lot of costs for the subsequent process. At the same time, the pre-throwing waste tailings have not been ground and have certain economic value. Take an example of economic benefits. Let's do some economic calculations. Assuming that an industrial and mining enterprise mines 1 million tons per year, before using an ore sorter, the original production process is mining-crushing-grinding-flotation. According to the calculation of $6.3 per ton for grinding and flotation, the annual cost before using an ore sorter is about 6.3 million dollar. After using an ore sorter, each ore sorter sorts about 25 tons per hour (the smaller the particle size, the lower the hourly sorting output. In this example, the particle size of the ore particles is in the range of 1cm-4cm). The sorting cost is mainly electricity. The electricity cost per machine is $1.37 per hour, and the sorting cost per ton is about $0.137. According to 20% of the discarded tailings, there is no need for subsequent grinding and flotation, and the annual savings can reach about 1.1 million dollar. In addition, the discarded tailings can still be backfilled in the mine, or sold as other construction, road construction and other materials. The overall estimated annual output value is at least more than 1.37 million dollar. Among them, Mingde Optoelectronics' artificial intelligence ore sorter was born. Committed to the introduction, research and development, promotion and application of artificial intelligence ore sorting technology. AI Ore Sorting Machine AI Ore Sorting Machine is a device that uses the principle of photoelectric sorting, artificial intelligence means, and AI photoelectric sorting technology. After the original ore is crushed and before flotation, it can be sorted in a composite manner according to the different surface characteristics of the original ore, such as texture, color, texture, shape and other multi-dimensional characteristics, to achieve ore grade enrichment and pre-disposal of tailings. Intelligent sorting equipment. It also has the following advantages https://www.mdoresorting.com/mingde-ai-sorting-machine-separate-quartzmicafeldspar-from-pegmatite Adjustable parameters: Sorting models can be established according to different sorting requirements to meet personalized sorting requirements; Automatic sorting: No manual work is required to achieve intelligent ore sorting with high sorting efficiency; Intelligent: It can continuously learn through the learning mode to further improve the overall sorting effect; Application range: Mainly in the sorting of talc, wollastonite, potassium feldspar, fluorite, quartz, calcite, lithium ore, gold ore, iron ore, lead-zinc ore, high-crystalline silicon and other ores with visible differences; Applicable fields: new and old mines, historically abandoned low-grade ores and other industrial and mining enterprises.
  • The Importance and Specific Measures of Tailings Treatment The Importance and Specific Measures of Tailings Treatment Aug 10, 2024
    Tailings have long been a global environmental challenge, involving the management and treatment of mining waste. Tailings not only occupy a large amount of land, but may also contain harmful chemicals, such as heavy metals and acidic substances, which, if not properly treated, can cause long-term environmental pollution. The safe management of tailings ponds is also an important issue, as they may fail or leak, causing casualties and property losses.     Today we will briefly talk about the treatment of tailings and some specific solutions.   The tailings problem has far-reaching impacts on the environment, society and economy. Environmentally, tailings may cause water pollution, soil degradation and ecosystem damage. Socially, the safety hazards of tailings ponds threaten the health and safety of local communities. Economically, the long-term storage of tailings limits other uses of land and affects sustainable development.   Globally, countries and international organizations are taking measures to address the tailings problem. For example, the development of the Global Tailings Review (GTR) standard aims to improve the way the mining industry manages tailings and move towards the goal of "zero harm" to people and the environment. In addition, governments and international organizations are promoting the implementation of tailings management standards to improve the safety and environmental protection of tailings facilities.   The environmental problems caused by tailings are mainly concentrated in several aspects: 1) Water pollution: Tailings often contain heavy metals and toxic chemicals. If these substances enter the water body without treatment, they will seriously pollute the water quality and endanger aquatic ecosystems and human health. 2) Soil pollution: Tailings piled on the surface will come into contact with the soil, causing heavy metals and harmful substances to penetrate into the soil, destroying the soil structure and fertility, and affecting the agricultural use and ecological function of the land. 3) Biodiversity threats: Tailings pollution leads to the destruction of natural habitats, forcing species to migrate or become extinct, and destroying the ecological balance.     Therefore, the storage of tailings ponds is a key link in tailings treatment, which involves the final disposal of tailings and environmental safety. However, the storage of tailings ponds is also accompanied by a series of potential environmental risks, mainly including: 1. Tailings dam breach risk: If the tailings pond is improperly designed or poorly maintained, it may fail, resulting in the sudden release of a large amount of tailings, causing serious downstream flooding and environmental damage. 2. Pollution of groundwater and surface water: Harmful chemicals in tailings ponds may penetrate into groundwater through leachate, or enter rivers and lakes with surface runoff, polluting water resources. 3. Air pollution: Tailings ponds may produce dust during weathering and drying, affecting the surrounding air quality. 4. Ecological damage: Tailings ponds occupy a large area of ​​land, change the original topography, and may destroy the local ecological balance and biodiversity. 5. Geological disasters: The stability of tailings ponds may also induce geological disasters such as landslides and mudslides, posing a threat to surrounding communities. 6. Pollution of environmentally sensitive points: If the tailings pond is close to environmentally sensitive points such as drinking water sources, its environmental risks are particularly prominent. Once a pollution incident occurs, it will directly affect human health and quality of life.     7. Long-term environmental impact: Even if the tailings pond is no longer in use, its residual pollutants may exist for a long time, causing continuous impact on the environment.   In order to reduce these risks, a series of environmental management and risk prevention measures need to be taken, including strengthening the design, construction and maintenance of tailings ponds, implementing environmental monitoring and risk assessment of tailings ponds, and formulating emergency plans to deal with possible environmental accidents. In addition, promoting the closure and reclamation of tailings ponds and reducing their long-term impact on the environment is also an important environmental management strategy.   Among them, tailings dry discharge technology has significant advantages in improving tailings treatment efficiency, reducing environmental risks, reducing economic costs and promoting sustainable resource utilization. Compared with traditional tailings ponds, tailings dry discharge technology has the following advantages: 1. Small footprint: The tailings dry discharge process treats tailings through efficient dehydration equipment to form slag with low water content, thereby reducing dependence on tailings ponds and saving land resources. 2. High safety: Tailings dry discharge avoids safety accidents such as dam break, dam overflow and dam collapse that may occur in tailings ponds, reducing environmental pollution and safety risks. 3. Low investment cost: Although the initial equipment investment of tailings dry discharge may be slightly higher than that of traditional tailings ponds, in the long run, tailings dry discharge can reduce the construction and maintenance costs of tailings ponds, as well as the reclamation and management costs after the tailings pond is closed. 4. Environmentally friendly: Tailings dry discharge helps reduce the negative impact of tailings ponds on the surrounding environment, because the tailings after dry discharge are easier to close and revegetate. 5. Tailings reuse: The tailings after dry discharge have low water content and are easier to recover and utilize, which meets the requirements of green mine construction and is conducive to the comprehensive recovery and recycling of resources. 6. Economic benefits: Tailings dry discharge can reduce water consumption and allow tailings to be sold as products such as building materials, creating additional income for enterprises.   Overall, improving the comprehensive utilization of tailings is always the best way to deal with tailings. The following are several specific measures for the comprehensive utilization of tailings: 1. Tailings re-mineralization technology: Through advanced mineral processing technology, residual valuable metals are recovered from tailings to improve resource utilization. 2. Tailings for building materials: Use silicon, aluminum, iron and other elements in tailings to prepare cement, bricks, concrete and other building materials.     3. Tailings for ceramic materials: Use mineral components in tailings to produce ceramic bricks, ceramic tiles and other products.     4. Tailings for mineral fertilizers: Through chemical treatment, tailings are converted into mineral fertilizers containing elements required for plant growth. 5. Ecological restoration of tailings ponds: Improve the ecological environment of tailings ponds and reduce pollution through measures such as vegetation restoration and soil improvement. 6. Tailings high-value disposal and utilization technology: Develop new technical means to achieve the preparation of high-value-added products from tailings. 7. International cooperation in the comprehensive utilization of tailings resources: Utilize domestic and foreign policies, technologies, funds and other advantages to jointly develop tailings resources. 8. Mine filling new cementitious material technology: Use tailings for mine backfilling to reduce new tailings emissions and land occupation. 9. Key technologies and industrial applications of iron ore mining and sand making: Use tailings for sand making to increase its economic value. 10. Grinding and sorting fine-grained wet tailings for full resource utilization and cascade utilization technology and equipment: further processing of tailings to extract more useful components.   These measures are aimed at maximizing the utilization of tailings resources, reducing environmental pollution, and promoting the sustainable development of the mining industry. Through these comprehensive utilization measures, tailings are no longer simply waste, but can be transformed into valuable resources.     With the continuous advancement of technology and the improvement of environmental protection requirements, the technology and application of tailings resource utilization will become more diversified and efficient.   Hefei Mingde Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the research and production of photoelectric sorting equipment. The photoelectric sorting machine introduced AI and big digital technology, which can extract various surface features of ores, accurately sort various ores, obtain granular raw ores, realize pre-disposal of ores, facilitate dry discharge of tailings, and waste rocks and low-grade ores with no economic value can be used as ore backfill and construction aggregates.   AI SORTING MACHINE On the other hand, our ore sorting machines can perform secondary sorting of tailings, enrich the valuable ores, and reduce the subsequent flotation processing volume while improving the overall recovery rate of resources, so as to achieve cost reduction and efficiency improvement.   Overall, tailings treatment is not only a requirement for corporate environmental management, but also an important means to enhance social image and maintain public relations. Through active tailings management and public communication, companies can win broad recognition and support from society while ensuring environmental sustainability.

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