ore sorting machine
  • How phosphate ore is enriched by beneficiation How phosphate ore is enriched by beneficiation Nov 03, 2022
    Phosphate ore is a general term for phosphate minerals that can be used as an important chemical material, mainly used in medicine, food, matches, dyes, sugar, ceramics, national defense and other industrial sectors, as well as an important mineral raw material for the extraction of phosphate fertilizer.   China's phosphate ore reserves are currently ranked third after Morocco and the United States, domestic phosphate ore distribution is concentrated in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Hubei and Hunan 5 provinces, the total reserves account for about 74.5% of the country, phosphate ore by the formation of two main types of apatite and phosphorite, where apatite is mainly in igneous or metamorphic rocks in the form of crystalline apatite, phosphorite is gray-black, cryptocrystalline microcrystalline structure, breccia structure. Now known to contain phosphorus minerals in more than 120 kinds, now the industrial use of phosphate ore is mainly apatite, in fact, for sulfur phosphorus aluminum strontium stone, blue iron stone, etc., of which more than 95% of the phosphorus element mainly several species in the apatite.  There are more associated minerals in natural phosphate ore, mainly miscellaneous rocks and veins, specifically two types of silica minerals and carbonates. Silica minerals are mainly quartz, quartz square, flint, opal, clay ore or other silicate minerals such as feldspar, mica, etc. Carbonates are mainly limestone and dolomite.      The goal of phosphate ore enrichment is to maximize the separation and removal of impurity minerals and improve the grade and quality of phosphate ore. The enrichment process includes crushing and separation (crushing and crushing), washing and classification (washing and classification), separation and purification (flotation, magnetic separation, photoelectric separation, calcination, heavy media separation), the three main steps. The process and operation of phosphate ore preconcentration and discarding are as follows. 1. Crushing and separation      Phosphate ore enrichment requires crushing and smashing to achieve monomeric dissociation of phosphate minerals and veinlets, mainly because the phosphate minerals and miscellaneous stones are in cementation together, the original ore can only be broken and ground to achieve monomeric dissociation. This step is the basic step of phosphate ore enrichment. 2. Water washing classification     Phosphate ore due to the mining process in the wet ore adhering to the mud, only after water washing to remove the mud, while water washing can also remove soluble water substances and so on. Because the phosphate ore after crushing, water washing particle size is different, you need to go through the classification equipment to sort out the appropriate particle size. Only then can further enrichment and purification. 3. Separation and purification      After the above process, phosphate ore into the final separation and purification steps, phosphate ore purification are mainly heavy media separation, photoelectric separation, calcination, flotation, magnetic separation. 1) Flotation     Flotation mainly has positive and negative flotation, mainly using phosphate ore and miscellaneous ore physical properties are different, the use of flotation agents to make phosphate ore float or sink, so as to achieve the purpose of separation. 2) Magnetic separation      The use of iron-containing magnetic minerals in phosphate ore, under the action of magnetic separator, and non-magnetic vein recovery of phosphate ore containing iron magnetic minerals separation. 3)Calcination     Mainly used to remove organic matter, carbon dioxide and part of the fluorine in the phosphate ore, calcination temperature of 400 ~ 1400 ℃, depending on the purpose. 4)Photoelectric sorting     Mainly phosphate ore after crushing, the use of ore surface characteristics differences, through the color sorter or artificial intelligence sorter for sorting. 5)Heavy media sorting    Using the difference in density between phosphate ore and other minerals, a medium is selected so that one medium floats and the other sinks, thus achieving enrichment.      The above is the way of phosphate ore sorting and purification applications, where the mainstream sorting is mainly using heavy media sorting and photoelectric sorting (X-ray sorting), a small number of flotation, magnetic, calcination process. Next, we will elaborate on the mainstream phosphate ore separation and purification process. First of all, heavy media sorting is the use of phosphate ore, dolomite, shale specific gravity differences to sort, where phosphate ore, dolomite, shale density distribution of 2.2g/cm³, 2.8-2.9g/cm³, 2.55 ~ 2.65g/cm³, in the actual sorting process, subject to the influence of a number of factors, phosphate enrichment has nearly 8% or so dolomite carry out, greatly affecting the phosphate enrichment after the quality.       At the same time, there are some phosphate mining enterprises have used X-ray equipment for sorting, X-ray equipment sorting is similar to heavy media sorting, mainly using the density difference between mineralized and non-mineralized materials for sorting, in the field production process, because the phosphate ore and associated ore density difference value is small, imaging is closer, there will be throwing waste tailings phosphate ore with high, the actual application of phosphate ore is not particularly ideal. The current stage of the situation and problems faced by phosphate ore sorting, the introduction of artificial intelligence sorting machine, the main principle is the use of phosphate ore surface characteristics of the differences in sorting, to accurately identify the phosphate ore and dolomite and shale surface texture, luster, color, shape and other characteristics of the subtle differences, a composite sorting, sorting effect is higher than the current stage of phosphate ore enrichment accuracy and effectiveness.       Mingde photoelectric recently used artificial intelligence ore sorting machine,digital color separating machine, sorting phosphate ore original grade of about 20, after enrichment of the concentrate grade of about 30, tailings in the phosphate ore grade is less than 5. fully able to meet the target sorting requirements. At the same time, it can guarantee the amount of bad material to be taken out under the premise of enriching the phosphate ore grade, and also take into account the rate of good material to be taken out from the waste tailings.   Here is the phosphate ore after sorting Mingde photoelectric focus on the field of ore sorting, after a long period of technical accumulation and ore field of sorting applications, the introduction of four series of more than 20 products, widely used in fluorite, talc, wollastonite, high crystal silicon, iron ore, gold ore, lead and zinc ore, coal and coal gangue, vanadium ore and nearly 100 kinds of metal, non-metallic ore field of sorting applications.     Edit by Jacky
  • How to choose ore color sorter? How to choose ore color sorter? Nov 24, 2022
    How to choose ore color sorter? Color sorter as a high-end material sorting equipment, has now been widely used in ore, agricultural food, oil, chemical, pharmaceutical and other industries, the significance of its existence is not only to save time, energy, high efficiency, but also can greatly improve the utilization of resources to achieve greater economic and social benefits.   How to choose the right color sorter?      It is decided by demand-oriented. The main problem in how the equipment output, sorting effect, applicable particle size range, sorting type, equipment stability, service life, price and other multiple factors, ultimately comes down to how the comprehensive cost performance of the equipment.    As a well-known enterprise deeply rooted in Hefei, the capital of colour sorter, Mingde Optoelectronics has been deeply engaged in the field of ore sorting since 2014, with independent self-research of color sorter and X-light intelligent ore sorter and artificial intelligence machine with completely independent intellectual property rights. During this period, according to the continuous accumulation of all kinds of ore sorting experience, Mingde photoelectric constantly invested in equipment development and production, always keep technical innovation, and gradually launched a large output, high precision, high stability of super cost-effective models. How to choose a manufacturer with technical advantages for ore sorting?     As a senior ore sorting manufacturer, Mingde Optoelectronics launched AI artificial intelligence sorting machine, which brings ore sorting from 2.0 color sorting era to 3.0 multi-dimensional characteristics sorting era, breaking through the limitations of color sorting technology     Colour sorting machine to artificial intelligence sorting machine development is 1 to N progress, from color sorting machine sorting can only be sorted by color, to artificial intelligence sorting machine through the ore multi-dimensional characteristics, such as texture, color, shape, color, gloss and other naked eye visible differentiation characteristics of the progress. Artificial intelligence machine can all be extracted, learning, modeling, sorting. Thus, there is a great improvement in sorting personalization, sorting diversification, and sorting efficiency.      A good product needs to be approved by the market. Our Mingde photoelectric artificial intelligence sorting machine after nearly 3 years, in the project, research and development, production, application after layers of gatekeepers, now has been widely used in talc, magnesite, wollastonite, industrial silicon, gold ore, fluorite, lithium ore and other enterprises, to solve all kinds of ore sorting problems.       Ore sorting machine as a high precision machine, used in some remote areas and complex working environment, facing a variety of tests, a perfect after-sales service system is particularly important, famous photoelectric as a well-known old photoelectric sorting manufacturers, we always adhere to the user first, the service concept of the heart escort, and practical action to achieve our commitment, set up more than ten offices in the country, timely We have set up more than ten offices in the country to respond to the needs of customers and ensure the punctuality and timeliness of after-sales service.
  • Long life of Mineral separator should be maintained routinely Long life of Mineral separator should be maintained routinely Dec 07, 2022
    Long life of Mineral separator should be maintained routinely   Each machine has its own service life, but we sometimes find that it is actually not so long, is the manufacturer lying? No, the machine is like the human body, people will be sick, need to recuperate, the machine is the same, the machine will be damaged, it needs maintenance. The machine will be damaged, it needs maintenance. Here, the color sorter engineer here to the majority of the name of the photoelectric users to provide optical sorting machine daily maintenance methods, do the following items, your ore sorting machine can maintain a longer life use.  1, ash scraper dust removed  Once a week with ash cleaning air gun to clean the dust on the ash scraper leather (hair) brush; once a month to check whether the leather (hair) brush is running smoothly, if there is loose, tighten the loose position. Use a period of time if the skin (hair) brush of the soft skin (hair) tilted to one side, you can take off the skin (hair) brush up and down to adjust it can continue to use.  2、Sorting room dust removed  Color sorting machine sorting indoor and outdoor glass such as dust (generally the sorting room before the glass), wipe with a clean soft cloth dipped in alcohol, while checking whether the ash scraper is running normally. When the glass surface is completely dry and clean, then color sorting. 3、Filter drainage All pneumatic supply part of the machine filter device, must do diligent drainage (at least 2 times per shift) to prevent all kinds of impurities into the core components of the machine damage the machine, so as not to cause unnecessary losses. 4、Maintenance operation before each use. Check the color sorter, air compressor, air storage tank, filter and other parts are intact, there is no loose, cleaning the dust and drainage of various parts.  5、Check in operation Check the signal indication (including work indication, alarm indication) and spray valve action during the operation of the color sorter.  6、Maintenance operation after work stop  Please use the air gun to clean up the vibrator (especially the material condensed in the vibrator bucket), the inside of the body, the receiving hopper, and the dust scraping brush.    Note: When cleaning the receiving hopper with the air gun, it is strictly forbidden to blow the air gun directly into the nozzle opening. Otherwise it will cause damage to the spray valve! Monthly: Check the filter element; check the cleanliness of the dust scraping brush.     Precautions for areas with high humidity (1) The humidity in the southern region is high, it is recommended that customers install two moisture filters. (2) the user depending on the site, at least once every two hours to drain, otherwise moisture into the machine will shorten the life of the machine. (3) each filter in the gas circuit (including the internal machine), timely check the drainage situation, and replace the filter element from time to time. (4) careful maintenance to ensure the normal operation of the machine, but also can effectively extend the life of the machine.           Warning: When cleaning or changing the various parts of the machine, please first turn off the power through the on/off button, and then place the air switch on the side of the main unit in the OFF position before cleaning or changing.          Note: Please do not touch the CCD camera lens of the intelligent color CCD color sorter, if the setting and adjustment is not correct, it will affect the color selection effect.
  • Tailings problem, gold companies to solve this way ...... Tailings problem, gold companies to solve this way ...... Jun 29, 2023
    Tailings problem, gold companies to solve this way ......   Tailings usually refers to mine solid waste that is not suitable for further sorting and recovery under the prevailing conditions after mine beneficiation. And tailings storage simply refers to the construction of a dam to intercept the valley mouth or enclose the land constituted to stockpile metal or non-metallic mines for ore beneficiation after the discharge of tailings or other industrial waste places.   At present, there are nearly 10,000 tailing ponds in China, and the number of tailing ponds is large and widely distributed. Tailings pond environmental management base is weak, coupled with the tailings pond pollution hidden strong, some tailings ponds adjacent to important rivers, drinking water sources and other ecologically sensitive targets, pollution prevention measures are not perfect, operation and management is not standardized, environmental risks are more prominent.   Tailings pollution problem should not be underestimated   The problem of tailings is extremely prominent in the mining pollution problems that have occurred in recent years. The 2011 Yunnan Qujing chrome slag pollution incident, resulting in the death of sheep, pigs and undrinkable water; a mining company in Shaanxi Province in 2012 discharged ore processing slag through a river berm, affecting the arable land of downstream villages and the lives and property of residents; 2015, a company located in Longnan City tailings pond leakage, resulting in a sudden environmental incident across Gansu, Shaanxi and Sichuan provinces, causing a certain impact on the production and living water of some people along the line, and directly threatening the safety of water supply to local residents; In 2020, a mining company tailings pond in Heilongjiang Province leaked, causing the local first water plant to stop taking water, and some river sections, farmland and woodland pollution in Yichun City and Suihua City ...... These lessons always remind us that the pollution problem caused by tailings cannot be underestimated and must be taken seriously. The Law of the People's Republic of China on Environmental Prevention and Control of Solid Waste Pollution (amended in 2020) requires that adhering to the principles of reduction, resourcefulness and harmlessness, mining enterprises should adopt scientific mining methods and beneficiation processes to reduce the amount of tailings, coal gangue, waste rock and other mining solid waste generated and stored. At the same time, the state encourages the adoption of advanced technology for tailings, coal gangue, waste rock and other mining solid waste for comprehensive utilization. Tailings, coal gangue, waste rock and other mining solid waste storage facilities after the cessation of use, mining enterprises should be sealed in accordance with national regulations on environmental protection and other provisions to prevent environmental pollution and ecological damage. In 2022, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued the "tailings pollution prevention and management measures," "tailings pond pollution hidden danger investigation and management technical guidelines (for trial implementation)" to risk prevention and control as the core implementation of tailings pond classification and classification of environmental management, and firmly guard the bottom line of ecological and environmental security. At the same time continue to promote the Yangtze River economic belt, the Yellow River basin and other key areas, watershed tailing pond pollution management, strengthen the flood tailing pond pollution hidden danger investigation and management, and improve the tailing pond environmental supervision infrastructure capacity, further improve the tailing pond environmental information, build tailing pond environmental management information system, with information technology means to enhance the tailing pond environmental management capacity and level, enhance the ecological environment departments around the tailing pond Pollution management level and environmental supervision capacity. And the World Gold Council also reflects the high importance it places on tailings and emissions management in its 2019 release of the Responsible Gold Mining Principles (RGMP) - we will ensure that environmental responsibility is at the heart of our operations and will follow ongoing management and governance actions that are consistent with accepted practices to design, construct, manage and abandoned tailings storage and heap leach facilities and major hydraulic infrastructure. At the same time, no new mines will be developed that would involve the use of riverine or shallow seabed tailings. Managing tailings gold companies have been taking action   For gold mining companies, the concern for ecological protection and the practice of the concept of "green water and green mountain is the silver mountain" is something that they need to improve and implement throughout their production management process. Many gold mining companies have been exploring and taking concrete actions to address the core issue of tailings management. In order to improve the tailings problem in the mining process, many enterprises use advanced AI ore sorting machine to enrich the tailings, enhance the grade of ore and reduce the tailings throwing. In order to improve the tailings problem in the mining process, many gold mining companies have adopted dust prevention and environmentally friendly mining methods. For example, in order to manage the adverse effects brought by tailings, all subsidiaries of China Gold Group have hardened or greened the exposed ground of industrial sites, and set up wind and dust suppression nets in the tailings storage and coal pile of the boiler house, equipped with watering trucks, and regularly sprinkled the site road surface, ore transportation road and tailings storage, which effectively reduce dust pollution. Ltd. as a tailing-free metal mine is implementing the filling method of mining, most of the tailing sand is used to fill the underground mining area, and the composition of the remaining tailing sand is tested, combined with the characteristics of tailing sand with high calcium content, small particles, easy to form, and high pressure resistance after drying, and actively cooperates with local cement plants and brick kiln factories, and part of it is supplied to relevant enterprises in proportion to maximize the value of the effective use of mineral resources. . The comprehensive utilization of tailings and waste rocks is another practice of gold mining enterprises to explore tailings management. For example, Zijin Mining Group has always given priority to the comprehensive utilization of tailings and waste rocks by means of underground filling, use as construction materials, vegetation restoration, road paving and recovery of valuable components, etc. The rest is stockpiled in drainage sites or tailing ponds that meet the national standards of the location, and the tailing ponds are impermeable in accordance with the requirements of the local standards to ensure the safety of groundwater quality downstream of the tailing ponds. The Group strictly follows the approved design plan for the operation of re-mining, sand discharge and drainage in the reservoir to ensure the safety of the tailing dam and the original flood discharge facilities, and conducts inspection and facility maintenance management in accordance with the relevant requirements of tailing pond safety management. After all the tailings back mining no longer carry out tailing operations, timely to the safety production supervision and management departments to fulfill the tailing pond cancellation procedures. At the same time, the tailing pond will be closed according to the regulations of tailing pond closure after the reuse production is completed. In addition, Anhui Taiping Mining Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of China Gold Group, also provides tailings sand after physical drying to road construction enterprises as raw materials, opening up a new way of mineral resources development and comprehensive utilization, which not only saves resources, but also provides a broader space for the company to expand the comprehensive utilization of tailings sand. Only by improving the utilization rate of water resources and protecting water resources can we achieve the long-term and stable development of gold mining enterprises. The recycling of water resources has also become a major direction for gold mining enterprises in the management of tailings. In China Gold Group, most of the mining enterprises adopt the tailing slag press filter dry discharge technology, adopt press filter dry discharge for tailing, and recycle water resources, all wastewater is not discharged, and the water recycling rate reaches more than 92%. For example, after the tailing wastewater is clarified and treated, it flows into the return dam under the tailing reservoir and is pumped back to the high level pool of the processing plant for flotation production recycling, and the water in the tailing reservoir is not discharged. In addition, Tong Hui Mining, a subsidiary of Zhajin Mining, has invested more than 6 million yuan to build a tailing wastewater recycling system and an underground mine brine water recycling system, and laid a wastewater recycling and reuse pipeline, so that all the recycled wastewater can be used for production reuse after treatment, which can reduce the amount of new water used for ore dressing by more than 2 million cubic meters per year and realize the efficient recycling of ore dressing wastewater. Zero discharge" and 100% "reuse" of saline water under the mine, ensuring the coordinated development and green development of the production system and the ecosystem. For the tailing sand produced by the beneficiation plant, Tong Hui Mining actively carries out project research and development, using the tailing sand to carry out the paste cement filling project, filling more than 70% of the tailing sand into the underground mining area and the former surface collapse area after thickening, reducing the amount of tailing sand discharge, effectively extending the service life of the tailing pond, and generating good social and ecological benefits. In addition to tailings management in the mining process, gold mining enterprises are also exploring and practicing in pre-mining assessment and post-operation ecological restoration. Before the construction of each project, Zhaogold Mining Co., Ltd. conducts environmental impact assessment in strict accordance with the procedures, analyzes the possible impact on the environment after the project is completed and put into operation, and proposes countermeasures and measures to prevent pollution. At the same time, Zhaogold Mining, in addition to conscientiously fulfilling the procedures of environmental protection acceptance of project completion, carries out comprehensive recycling of the waste left behind in the production process, focuses on strengthening the comprehensive management of mining areas and tailing ponds, and does a good job of mine greening, beautification and ecological environment construction to further improve the environmental situation around the enterprise. In February this year, Serbia's Zijin Copper Boer River comprehensive environmental management project officially dug into the construction. After the completion of the project will enhance the tailings storage and open pit safety operation capacity, improve the ecological environment of the natural water system in the downstream section of the Pol River and Timok (Timok), with good ecological and social benefits. Zijin Por copper mine insists on creating a "garden mine" and vigorously implements greening and reclamation. At present, all tailing ponds, open pit slopes and slopes of some abandoned dumps have been greened, with more than 60,000 seedlings planted and a new greening area of about 350,000 square meters, giving the mine and plant areas a new look. The project has also taken many measures to control dust, solid waste, waste water and waste gas, with remarkable results. In addition, some gold mining enterprises have also built a model combining "industry, academia and research" to promote tailings management. For example, Shandong Gold Group, in view of the common problems such as the high emission of gold tailings and the high disposal cost and safety and environmental protection pressure caused by the residual cyanide in the smelting cyanide slag, has organized relevant enterprises and strong scientific research institutes in China to jointly establish the "Joint Innovation Research Base for Resourceful Utilization of Gold Tailings", with the theme of low-cost resourceful disposal of gold tailings. Low-cost resource utilization disposal is the theme, using AI ore sorting machine ,Mineral separator  , bulk ore sorting system and optical sorting machine to enrich the grade ,reducing the tailing, giving full play to the advantages of internal and external resources, to overcome the key technology of resource utilization of tailings, to build a demonstration project of ecological disposal of tailings, and to solve the problem of "neck" of tailings disposal. The waste stone is widely used for underground filling, tailing reservoir dam building, building stone, etc. The tailing sand is comprehensively used for underground filling, outbound transportation, construction materials, etc. The comprehensive disposal rate of tailing sand is greatly improved. Among them, Xinhui Company and Hainan Shanjin Company took the lead in building a tailing-free mine, realizing comprehensive recycling and turning waste into treasure, and its advanced experience and practices are being promoted and applied in other mines. At the same time to strengthen the whole process of standardized management of hazardous waste, the enterprises belong to the establishment of standardized hazardous waste temporary storage room, the strict implementation of the five-linked list system, to achieve the collection, utilization, temporary storage, transportation, utilization and disposal of hazardous waste for the whole process of standardized management.    
  • Introduction of Phosphate Ore Introduction of Phosphate Ore Jun 08, 2024
    A. Phosphate Ore Overview Phosphate rock refers to the general term for phosphate minerals that can be used economically. It is an important chemical mineral raw material. It can be used to make phosphate fertilizer, yellow phosphorus, phosphoric acid, phosphide and other phosphates. These products are widely used in agriculture, medicine, food, matches, dyes, sugar, ceramics, national defense and other industrial sectors. Phosphate minerals can be divided into three types according to their mineralization origin: sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks and igneous rocks. At present, about 85% of industrially mined phosphate is marine sedimentary phosphate, and the rest is mainly igneous phosphate. It can also be divided into two types: apatite and phosphorite. Apatite refers to the phosphate ore in which phosphorus appears in the form of crystalline apatite in igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks, while phosphorite is an accumulation formed by exogenous action, composed of crypto crystalline or micro-crypto crystalline apatite and other gangue minerals. B. Distribution and development of phosphate resources Globally, phosphate resources are mainly distributed in Africa, North America, South America, Asia and the Middle East, of which more than 80% are concentrated in Morocco and Western Sahara, South Africa, the United States, China, Jordan and Russia. China is a country with rich reserves of phosphate resources, ranking second in the world, second only to Morocco and Western Sahara. C. The main uses of phosphate rock Phosphate rock is an important chemical mineral raw material with a wide range of uses, mainly including the following aspects: 1. Phosphate fertilizer production: About 84% to 90% of the world's phosphate rock is used to produce various phosphate fertilizers, which are essential nutrients for plant growth and play a key role in increasing crop yields. 2. Production of yellow phosphorus and phosphoric acid: Some phosphate rocks are used to produce pure phosphorus (yellow phosphorus) and chemical raw materials. Yellow phosphorus can be used to make pesticides, incendiary bombs, tracer bombs, signal bombs, smoke bombs, ignition agents, etc. Phosphides of phosphorus, boron, indium, and gallium are used in the semiconductor industry. 3. Production of other phosphates: used in the metallurgical industry to refine phosphor bronze, phosphorus-containing pig iron, cast iron, etc. Zirconium phosphate, titanium phosphate, silicon phosphate, etc. can be used as coatings, pigments, adhesives, ion exchangers, adsorbents, etc. Sodium phosphate and disodium hydrogen phosphate are used to purify boiler water, and the latter can also be used to make artificial silk. Sodium hexametaphosphate can be used as a water softener and metal preservative, calcium phosphate salts are used as animal feed additives, and phosphorus derivatives are used in medicine. 4. Other applications: With the widespread use of lithium batteries, the demand for phosphate ore is gradually increasing. Fluorapatite crystal is the most ideal laser emission material, and phosphate glass lasers have been used. 5. Comprehensive utilization: Phosphate ore is often accompanied by uranium, lithium, beryllium, cerium, lanthanum, strontium, gallium, vanadium, titanium, iron ore, etc. Most of them are rare substances urgently needed for the development of cutting-edge industries and can be comprehensively recycled. D. Phosphate mining methods There are two main methods of phosphate mining: open-pit mining and underground mining: Open pit mining Open pit mining is suitable for situations where the ore deposit is shallow, the overburden is thin, and the ore grade is high. This method usually includes the following steps: 1. Surface Clearing: Clearing the surface of the mining area to remove debris and vegetation. 2. Explosive crushing: using blasting technology to break the ore into smaller particles. 3. Excavation and transportation: Use excavators to dig out the crushed ore and transport it to the ore processing plant by transport vehicles. 4. Ore processing: The excavated ore is crushed, screened, washed and processed to obtain ore products that meet the requirements. Underground mining Underground mining is suitable for situations where phosphate deposits are buried deep and the ore distribution is relatively uneven. Compared with open-pit mining, underground mining requires more underground engineering construction, but its mining effect is more stable and the utilization rate of ore resources is higher. The specific steps include: 1. Construction of shafts and tunnels: digging shafts and tunnels underground for the transportation of ore and the entry and exit of personnel. 2. Ore body detection: Detect the occurrence of ore bodies through drilling, geological exploration and other methods to determine the mining plan.Ore body detection: Detect the occurrence of ore bodies through drilling, geological exploration and other methods to determine the mining plan. 3. Ore mining: Explosion, tunneling and other methods are used to extract ore from underground. 4. Ore processing: Similar to open-pit mining, the excavated ore is crushed, screened, washed, and processed to obtain ore products that meet the requirements. E. Phosphate rock processing methods The processing of phosphate rock mainly includes the following steps: 1. Crushing: Crushing the raw ore to a particle size suitable for further processing. 2. Grinding: Grind the crushed ore to make it finer and increase the surface area for subsequent mineral processing. 3. Sorting: Use manual or machine methods to separate the crushed ore into good ore and impurities according to the surface characteristics of the ore. 4. Flotation: The ground ore is placed in a flotation tank together with a flotation agent. The ore and the flotation agent are adsorbed by bubbles, thereby separating the ore from impurities. 5. Desliming: Desliming the ore after flotation to remove the mud and impurities generated during the flotation process. 6. Concentrate treatment: The desludged ore is concentrated to improve the grade of the ore. 7. Tailings treatment: The tailings after concentrate treatment are treated to recover useful minerals or to carry out environmentally friendly treatment. In the process of phosphate rock processing, key technologies include: Equipment selection: In the process of phosphate ore beneficiation, commonly used equipment includes jaw crusher, ball mill, sorting machine, flotation machine, spiral chute, etc. The selection of these equipment needs to consider factors such as the nature of the ore, processing capacity, and energy consumption. F. Impact of phosphate rock processing on the environment and mitigation measures The phosphate rock processing process may cause certain impacts on the environment, including water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution and ecological damage. In order to mitigate these impacts, the following measures can be taken: 1. Establish environmental protection departments and systems: ensure that the phosphate rock processing process complies with environmental protection standards and prevents pollutant emissions. 2. Implement technological transformation and construction of new facilities: adopt advanced processing technologies and equipment to reduce the generation of pollutants. 3. Strengthen safety monitoring and forecasting: monitor environmental changes during the processing process and take timely measures to address potential risks. 4. Increase investment in environmental protection: Invest in environmental protection projects to improve environmental conditions during the treatment process. 5. Reduce pollution sources: optimize treatment processes to reduce the generation of pollutants. 6. Wastewater treatment: Treat the wastewater generated during the treatment process to ensure that the water quality meets the standards before discharge. 7. Solid waste treatment: Properly handle the solid waste generated during the treatment process to avoid pollution to the environment. 8. Green mining concept and construction of demonstration bases: Promote the concept of green mining, build demonstration bases, and demonstrate environmentally friendly and efficient phosphate rock processing technology. 9. Groundwater ecological environment protection and restoration management: protect groundwater resources, repair polluted groundwater, and restore ecological balance. In recent years, phosphate rock processing technology has been continuously innovating, and some new processing methods have emerged, such as photoelectric separation, microbial treatment, dry electrostatic separation, magnetic cover method and selective flocculation process, etc. The application of these new technologies helps to improve the processing efficiency and resource utilization of phosphate rock, while reducing the impact on the environment. https://www.mdoresorting.com/mingde-ai-sorting-machine-separate-quartzmicafeldspar-from-pegmatite As a leading optoelectronic sorting company in China, MINGDE Optoelectronics has launched an artificial intelligence sorting machine that can accurately sort minerals based on their texture, gloss, shape, color and other surface features. This can effectively improve the comprehensive utilization of ores and reduce sorting costs. It is simple to operate and efficient. The only consumption in the mineral processing process is electricity, which is fully in line with the current society's requirements for green environmental protection. G. Summary Phosphate plays an indispensable role in agriculture and industry. With the increase of population and the acceleration of industrialization, the demand for phosphate is expected to continue to grow. In the future, the development and utilization of phosphate will pay more attention to the sustainability of resources and environmental protection. At the same time, with the advancement of technology, the mining and processing efficiency of phosphate is expected to improve, and the comprehensive utilization of resources and circular economy will become an important direction of development. Therefore, the requirements for technological innovation are becoming more and more important. MINGDE has always believed that only through continuous hard research and full communication with people from all walks of life in the mining industry, MINGDE will definitely bring better choices to the ore sorting industry.
  • What are the Factors that Affect Ore Sorting? What are the Factors that Affect Ore Sorting? Jun 12, 2024
    There are many factors that affect the effect of ore sorting, mainly including the following aspects: 1. Ore properties: The physical properties (such as hardness, density, humidity, particle size distribution) and chemical properties (such as mineral composition, chemical activity) of the ore are the key factors affecting the sorting effect. Different ores require sorting methods suitable for their characteristics. 2. Ore grade: The higher the content of valuable minerals in the ore, the better the quality of the concentrate obtained after sorting. Conversely, low-grade ore may require more complex sorting processes to reach the standard of economic utilization.   3. Sorting equipment: The performance, maintenance and operation level of the equipment directly affect the sorting effect. Efficient and stable equipment can improve sorting accuracy and processing capacity. 4. Process parameters: The setting of parameters such as feed rate, water flow rate, vibration frequency, etc. during the sorting process has a significant impact on the sorting effect. Reasonable process parameters can optimize the sorting effect. 5. Environmental conditions: Environmental factors such as temperature and humidity may also affect the sorting results, especially for minerals that are sensitive to the environment. 6. Complexity of ore: If the ore contains multiple minerals, the interaction between them may make sorting more difficult, and comprehensive sorting technology is needed. 7. Ore uniformity: Ore uniformity affects the stability of the sorting process. Inhomogeneous ore may lead to unstable sorting results. 8. Type and rate of impurities: The type and rate of impurities in the ore will also affect the sorting effect, especially those impurities that interfere with the sorting process. 9. Operator skills: The operator's experience and skills have an important impact on the sorting effect. Skilled operators can better control the sorting process. 10. Pretreatment before sorting: Pretreatment processes such as crushing and grinding have an important influence on the particle size distribution and surface properties of the ore, which in turn affects the sorting effect. MINGDE AI intelligent sorting machine takes the lead in using artificial intelligence means such as deep convolutional neural network (CNN) to analyze and process material images in the field of visible light photoelectric sorting, and automatically extracts multi-dimensional features of materials to establish a database through CNN local connection, weight sharing, multi-convolutional kernel and other methods in the training process, and the sorting effect is far better than that of traditional sorting methods,and it has outstanding performance in ore pretreatment, low-grade ore enrichment, and complex ore sorting.  
  • Application of Photoelectric Ore Separation Technology in Low-Grade Ore Resource Processing Application of Photoelectric Ore Separation Technology in Low-Grade Ore Resource Processing Jun 29, 2024
    Introduction Photoelectric ore sorting technology is an emerging ore processing technology that uses optical property differences to sort ore, and is particularly suitable for the effective processing of low-grade ore resources. This article will discuss in detail the latest progress of photoelectric ore sorting technology and its application in the processing of low-grade ore resources. Overview of Photoelectric Ore Sorting Technology Photoelectric ore sorting technology is mainly based on the differences in the optical properties of minerals, such as color, gloss, transparency, etc., through the illumination of a light source of a specific wavelength, and with the help of high-precision photoelectric sensors to identify and separate different minerals. This technology has the advantages of fast sorting speed, no need to add chemical reagents, and green environmental protection, and is especially suitable for the purification of low-grade ores. Application of Photoelectric Ore Sorting Technology in the Processing of Low-grade Ore Resources Low-grade ores usually refer to those ores whose grades are not enough for direct use, and their grades need to be improved through mineral processing or other treatment methods. Photoelectric ore sorting technology can improve the feed grade before the ore is crushed or ground, thereby reducing the cost of mineral processing and the load of equipment. Advantages of Photoelectric Ore Sorting Technology High efficiency: Photoelectric sorting technology can quickly remove a large amount of useless gangue, reduce the pressure of subsequent mineral processing links, and improve sorting efficiency. Low cost: Compared with traditional physical mineral processing and chemical mineral processing, the power consumption cost of photoelectric mineral processing is about 1 yuan/ton, which is much lower than traditional methods. Green and environmental protection: Photoelectric ore dressing has zero pollution to the environment and is a greener ore dressing method. 10 Technological progress: With the development of artificial intelligence technology, the intelligence level of photoelectric sorting equipment has been continuously improved, and it can handle more types of ores. https://www.mdoresorting.com/mingde-ai-sorting-machine-separate-quartzmicafeldspar-from-pegmatite Specific applications As a leading enterprise in the ore photoelectric sorting industry, MINGDE Optoelectronics' ore sorting machines are widely used in metal and non-metallic minerals. Over the years, MINGDE Optoelectronics has been professionally researching ore sorting and has made breakthroughs in many technologies. Among them, the AI ​​intelligent ore sorting machine launched for the first time in China uses advanced deep convolutional neural network technology to extract ore surface features from multiple angles, greatly expanding the types of sorted ores and improving the accuracy of ore sorting, especially in the sorting of pegmatite-type quartz. Experiments have shown that MINGDE AI intelligent ore sorting machines are competent for all types of ore that can be identified by the naked eye. While ensuring the sorting accuracy, our company's heavy-duty machines have greatly improved the sorting output of ore, meeting the requirements of mining companies for large-scale ore sorting. https://www.mdoresorting.com/heavy-duty-ai-ore-sorting-machine-ore-sorter-mineral-separator-sorting-38cm-particles Future development of photoelectric ore sorting technology The future development of photoelectric ore sorting technology will focus on improving sorting accuracy and reliability, reducing costs, improving cost performance, and adapting to the sorting needs of more types and more complex ore structures. At the same time, photoelectric sorting technology will also be combined with other ore dressing technologies to form a more complete ore processing solution. Conclusion Photoelectric ore sorting technology has shown great potential in the processing of low-grade ore resources, which can effectively improve resource utilization, reduce ore dressing costs, and is beneficial to environmental protection. With the continuous advancement and innovation of technology, photoelectric ore sorting technology will play an increasingly important role in the mining field.  
  • Specific Applications and Future Prospects of Photoelectric Sorting Technology Specific Applications and Future Prospects of Photoelectric Sorting Technology Jul 03, 2024
    Overview of photoelectric sorting technology Photoelectric sorting technology is a technology that uses optical principles to automatically identify and classify materials. It detects the optical properties of materials, such as color, gloss, transparency, etc., through photoelectric sensors, and then determines whether it has the required characteristics through preset intelligent algorithms, and performs corresponding separation processing. This technology is widely used in industries such as mining, agriculture, food processing, and waste material recycling, especially in improving sorting efficiency and accuracy, reducing labor intensity, and reducing environmental pollution. Working principle of photoelectric sorting technology The working principle of photoelectric sorting technology involves several key components: light source system, sensor system, signal processing system, and execution system. First, the light source system provides light of different wavelengths to illuminate the material to be detected, so that the reflected light presents different colors. The sensor system, usually a linear array CCD sensor, captures these lights and converts them into electrical signals. The signal processing system processes these electrical signals, analyzes the characteristics of the materials through image processing algorithms, and classifies them according to preset standards. Finally, the execution system sorts the sorted materials, usually by high-speed airflow or robotic arms to exclude defective products and retain high-quality products. Application of photoelectric sorting technology in mining In the mining field, photoelectric sorting technology is mainly used for pre-sorting of ore to improve the overall grade of ore and reduce the cost of subsequent processing. For example, in the process of phosphate ore sorting, photoelectric sorting technology can effectively identify and remove low-grade ore and debris, thereby improving the efficiency of mineral processing and reducing energy consumption. In addition, this technology can also be used to process phosphate resources with fine particle size and complex embedded morphology, so that resources that were originally difficult to develop and utilize economically and efficiently can be fully utilized. Advantages and challenges of photoelectric sorting technology The advantages of photoelectric sorting technology lie in its high precision, high efficiency and environmental protection characteristics. It can complete the sorting of a large number of materials in a short time without adding chemical reagents, reducing pollution to the environment. However, the technology also faces some challenges, such as adapting to the sorting needs of more types and complex ore structures, improving the stability and anti-interference ability of the system, and reducing costs. Future development of photoelectric sorting technology With the continuous advancement of technology, photoelectric sorting technology is expected to further improve recognition accuracy and stability in the future, expand the scope of application, and play a greater role in mining and other fields. For example, by combining technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data analysis, the photoelectric sorting system will become more intelligent and automated, and can better adapt to different working environments and sorting requirements. Application of MINGDE Optoelectronic Sorting Technology Hefei MINGDE Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd., as a leading enterprise in the field of mining sorting in China, has taken the lead in introducing artificial intelligence, big data sorting and other technologies in the field of ore photoelectric sorting, expanding the variety of ore sorting by photoelectric sorting machines, and making the sorting effect more accurate. The heavy-duty machine developed by the company can sort ores with larger particle sizes, which brings about greater output and meets the requirements of mining companies for large-scale ore sorting. https://www.mdoresorting.com/wet-intelligent-minerals-separator-ore-sorting-machine-leading-manufacturer-of-china Since its establishment in 2014, the company has been working hard in the field of ore sorting for ten years. The staff visited various mining areas in China on the spot, fully communicated with various mining companies, and deeply understood the various requirements of the mines for sorting equipment. The overall structure of the MINGDE sorting machine adopts a split structure to avoid the influence of feeding vibration on the main part of the machine sorting, ensuring the accuracy of sorting; using a conveyor belt instead of a chute reduces the trouble of frequent replacement of wearing parts of the chute machine. The whole machine is coated with an anti-corrosion coating, which improves the adaptability of the machine to the harsh working environment of high dust, high pollution and high corrosion in the mining industry. MINGDE Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. has always believed that integrity makes MINGDE a success and MINGDE creates the best corporate mission. We are willing to work together with friends from all walks of life to achieve the long-term development of mining intelligence and automation.
  • Practical Application and Separation of Potassium Feldspar Practical Application and Separation of Potassium Feldspar Jul 20, 2024
    Potassium feldspar is a common feldspar mineral with the chemical formula NaAlSi3O8, belonging to the category of sodium aluminum silicate. It usually appears as glassy crystals and can be colorless, white, yellow, red or black. Potassium feldspar is most common in pegmatites and felsic igneous rocks such as granite, and is also found in low-grade metamorphic rocks and some sedimentary rocks. The hardness of potassium feldspar is about 6-6.5, the density is between 2.61-2.64 g/cm³, and the melting point is about 1100℃. Its theoretical chemical composition is Na2O: 11.8%, Al2O3: 19.4%, SiO2: 68.8%, but this theoretical value is difficult to achieve in nature. The classification of potassium feldspar usually based on its chemical composition and crystal structure. According to the chemical composition, potassium feldspar can be divided into different subspecies, such as albite, oligoclase and bytownite. According to the crystal structure, it can be divided into monoclinic system and triclinic system. These classifications are instructive for understanding the physical and chemical properties of potassium feldspar and its application in industry. Potassium feldspar plays an important role in the ceramic industry. It can be used as a flux, a ceramic body ingredient and a glaze. Before firing, potassium feldspar can reduce the drying shrinkage and deformation of the body, improve the drying performance and shorten the drying time. During firing, it can be used as a flux to reduce the firing temperature and improve the light transmittance of the body. potassium feldspar is also one of the important raw materials in the glass industry. It can increase the alumina content in the glass mixture, reduce the melting temperature, and adjust the viscosity and chemical composition of the glass. In addition, potassium feldspar is also used in the chemical industry, abrasives and tools, welding rods and other industries. For example, it can be used as a raw material for enamel, the main raw material for refractory materials, and as a filler in detergents, toothpaste, cosmetics and other industries. The purity of potassium feldspar directly affects its application effect in industrial production. For example, in the ceramic industry, high-purity potassium feldspar can significantly reduce the firing temperature and improve the quality and performance of the product. Therefore, accurately judging the purity of potassium feldspar is of great significance to ensure product quality and production efficiency. The determination of potassium feldspar purity usually involves the following aspects: Chemical composition analysis: Through chemical analysis methods such as ICP, XRF, AAS, etc., the main components of potassium feldspar, such as SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, TiO2, K2O and Na2O, can be accurately determined. The content of these components directly reflects the purity of potassium feldspar. Physical property test: Including tests of physical properties such as hardness, density, melting point, etc., these properties can also indirectly reflect the purity of potassium feldspar. Mineral composition analysis: Through methods such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), the mineral type and content of potassium feldspar can be determined, which is also a method to judge purity. The main method of impurity separation Flotation method: By adding different flotation agents, the surface properties of potassium feldspar and other impurity minerals are changed, thereby achieving separation. Magnetic separation: Separate iron-containing impurities from potassium feldspar by using magnetic differences. Chemical impurity removal technology: Dissolve and remove impurities in the ore by acid washing and other methods. High-temperature chlorination method: Use high temperature and chlorine to separate impurity iron from potassium feldspar. Microbial method: Use microbial metabolites to react with iron impurities, and then use other methods to remove impurities. Photoelectric sorting: This is an emerging ore sorting technology that combines photoelectric detection and artificial intelligence algorithms to achieve intelligent ore sorting by identifying multi-dimensional features such as spectral characteristics, texture, and color of the ore. This technology has significant advantages in improving ore sorting efficiency, reducing costs, protecting the environment, and promoting resource recovery. https://www.mdoresorting.com/wet-intelligent-minerals-separator-ore-sorting-machine-leading-manufacturer-of-china High efficiency: Photoelectric sorting technology can quickly remove a large amount of useless gangue, reduce the pressure of subsequent mineral processing links, and improve sorting efficiency. Low cost: Compared with traditional physical mineral processing and chemical mineral processing, the cost of photoelectric mineral processing is lower, and the cost of mineral processing per ton is about $0.15. Environmental protection: Photoelectric mineral processing technology has zero pollution to the environment and is a greener mineral processing method. Technological progress: With the development of computer technology and artificial intelligence technology, the intelligence level of photoelectric mineral processing equipment has been continuously improved. Strong adaptability: By introducing cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data analysis, the intelligence level and adaptability of the photoelectric sorting system have been greatly improved. High safety: Photoelectric mineral processing equipment does not need to add any chemical agents during operation, avoiding the safety risks that may be caused by chemical agents. Technological innovation: China is in a leading position in the research and development of core components in the intelligent photoelectric mineral processing equipment manufacturing industry. Resource recovery: Photoelectric sorting technology has significant advantages in processing low-grade ore resources, and can fully recycle and utilize ore resources that were originally difficult to develop and utilize economically and efficiently. System stability: Photoelectric sorting technology is still in the development stage, but through continuous technological innovation and optimization, the stability and anti-interference ability of the system are constantly improving. Cost-effectiveness: The research and development and application of photoelectric mineral processing technology always focus on cost control and cost-effectiveness.
  • How to Sort Wollastonite? How to Sort Wollastonite? Jul 20, 2024
    Wollastonite surrounding rocks are divided into two types: marble type and skarn type. Among them, skarn type is mainly lens-shaped, cystic, irregular banded, etc., among which wollastonite generally has high iron impurities, and the gangue is mainly garnet, diopside, calcite and quartz. Garnet and diopside are separated by strong magnetic separation, and calcite and quartz are separated by flotation. The marble type is more complex, mainly in agglomerate and cystic shapes. Its wollastonite is distributed in flower and worm strips, with low iron content. The gangue is mainly calcite and quartz and a small amount of diopside. This type of ore is mainly separated by flotation to separate calcite and quartz. Wollastonite ore dressing and purification method At present, there are mainly manual selection, flotation, single magnetic separation, magnetic separation-flotation (electrical separation) for wollastonite separation. The purpose of wollastonite separation is mainly to reduce the iron content and separate calcite and waste rock. Hand selection mainly involves manually selecting rich ores or manually selecting rich wollastonite through conveyor belts. It is mainly suitable for ores with high wollastonite content. Flotation mainly involves separating wollastonite and calcite based on their different physical and chemical properties. It can also remove a large amount of iron impurities and improve the grade of wollastonite. Single magnetic separation mainly involves using weakly magnetic minerals such as garnet and diopside in the original ore. Wollastonite is not magnetic. Wollastonite is separated from other gangues through dry or wet strong magnetic separation technology. It can also remove a large amount of iron-containing ores and improve the overall grade. Magnetic separation-flotation is mainly suitable for the treatment of low-grade wollastonite. First, weakly magnetic ores are separated through magnetic separation, and then wollastonite is separated from quartz and calcite through flotation. The latest sorting method for wollastonite ore dressing - artificial intelligence photoelectric sorting Through physical sorting, the surface characteristics of wollastonite, calcite, and miscellaneous stones are used for sorting. Before entering flotation or magnetic separation, the raw ore is crushed and washed before entering the artificial intelligence sorting machine. Artificial intelligence photoelectric sorting uses the surface characteristics of wollastonite, calcite, quartz, garnet, and miscellaneous stones for sorting. The main surface characteristics of the sorting are color, color, texture, shape, etc., and the data model is established through artificial intelligence. The purpose of accurately sorting out wollastonite and associated stones is achieved. Artificial intelligence ore sorting machines are different from traditional photoelectric color sorters. Traditional photoelectric color sorters can only sort by color differences. For example, when the associated quartz or other colors are close to wollastonite waste rocks, the color sorter cannot accurately sort out wollastonite. Only artificial intelligence ore sorting machines integrate the multi-dimensional characteristics of good and bad materials in the raw ore, establish a sorting model, and achieve final sorting accuracy and low carryout of good and bad materials through artificial intelligence technology. https://www.mdoresorting.com/mingde-ai-sorting-machine-separate-quartzmicafeldspar-from-pegmatite Project Advantages Artificial intelligence can completely replace manual selection in the application of wollastonite. If the dissociation degree of wollastonite is good, the artificial intelligence machine can directly sort out wollastonite and tailings, which has the advantages of high efficiency, good effect and low cost. The cost is mainly the one-time equipment purchase cost and the subsequent equipment power supply cost. If the dissociation degree is average, the artificial intelligence machine can also sort out the wollastonite with good grade, or discard the useless waste rock, which can directly reduce the amount of ore entering magnetic separation or flotation, save the cost of magnetic separation and flotation, and reduce the processing level of tailings. In particular, Mingde Optoelectronics Artificial Intelligence Sorting Machine has been widely used in various ore sorting fields at this stage, not only in wollastonite. As long as there are ores with visible surface differences, they are within the sorting range of artificial intelligence sorting machines. The equipment has withstood the test of various industrial and mining enterprises in terms of technical maturity and actual application effect.
  • AI intelligent Sorting Machine: A New Choice for Ore Sorting AI intelligent Sorting Machine: A New Choice for Ore Sorting Jul 20, 2024
    As the number of ore resources with low mining difficulty and good quality is decreasing, mining companies are gradually falling into trouble, especially low-grade mining companies. How to improve the economic value of mines? Reduce the overall mining and selection costs? It is an important problem facing its development, especially at the current stage, the mining and selection technology and production process improvements of industrial and mining enterprises are in a stagnant stage. The only best choice is to break the existing thinking mode. In view of the current situation of industrial and mining enterprises, there will be no major breakthroughs in mining and selection technology for the time being. Only by looking for external breakthroughs in the production process can new innovations be achieved. It is obvious that the best solution is to start with the sorting after the crushing and dissociation of the original ore. Some people will definitely ask why? In fact, it is very simple. We need to understand what ore sorting is and what is the difference between the sorting mentioned and the sorting at the current stage. The ore sorting mentioned here is to enrich the grade of the ore in advance before grinding and crushing, and to raise the pre-throwing waste tailings to reduce the amount of ore entering the subsequent process, saving a lot of costs for the subsequent process. At the same time, the pre-throwing waste tailings have not been ground and have certain economic value. Take an example of economic benefits. Let's do some economic calculations. Assuming that an industrial and mining enterprise mines 1 million tons per year, before using an ore sorter, the original production process is mining-crushing-grinding-flotation. According to the calculation of $6.3 per ton for grinding and flotation, the annual cost before using an ore sorter is about 6.3 million dollar. After using an ore sorter, each ore sorter sorts about 25 tons per hour (the smaller the particle size, the lower the hourly sorting output. In this example, the particle size of the ore particles is in the range of 1cm-4cm). The sorting cost is mainly electricity. The electricity cost per machine is $1.37 per hour, and the sorting cost per ton is about $0.137. According to 20% of the discarded tailings, there is no need for subsequent grinding and flotation, and the annual savings can reach about 1.1 million dollar. In addition, the discarded tailings can still be backfilled in the mine, or sold as other construction, road construction and other materials. The overall estimated annual output value is at least more than 1.37 million dollar. Among them, Mingde Optoelectronics' artificial intelligence ore sorter was born. Committed to the introduction, research and development, promotion and application of artificial intelligence ore sorting technology. AI Ore Sorting Machine AI Ore Sorting Machine is a device that uses the principle of photoelectric sorting, artificial intelligence means, and AI photoelectric sorting technology. After the original ore is crushed and before flotation, it can be sorted in a composite manner according to the different surface characteristics of the original ore, such as texture, color, texture, shape and other multi-dimensional characteristics, to achieve ore grade enrichment and pre-disposal of tailings. Intelligent sorting equipment. It also has the following advantages https://www.mdoresorting.com/mingde-ai-sorting-machine-separate-quartzmicafeldspar-from-pegmatite Adjustable parameters: Sorting models can be established according to different sorting requirements to meet personalized sorting requirements; Automatic sorting: No manual work is required to achieve intelligent ore sorting with high sorting efficiency; Intelligent: It can continuously learn through the learning mode to further improve the overall sorting effect; Application range: Mainly in the sorting of talc, wollastonite, potassium feldspar, fluorite, quartz, calcite, lithium ore, gold ore, iron ore, lead-zinc ore, high-crystalline silicon and other ores with visible differences; Applicable fields: new and old mines, historically abandoned low-grade ores and other industrial and mining enterprises.
  • Comprehensive Analysis of X-ray Intelligent Ore Sorting Machine Comprehensive Analysis of X-ray Intelligent Ore Sorting Machine Jul 27, 2024
    I. Overview X-ray intelligent ore sorting machine is an advanced equipment that uses X-ray technology combined with artificial intelligence algorithms to efficiently sort ore. It can realize the rapid and accurate identification and sorting of ore during ore processing, thereby improving the utilization rate of ore, reducing processing costs, and reducing the impact on the environment. II. Working Principle Intelligent ore sorting machine mainly uses X-ray technology, through the transmission ability of X-rays to the internal structure of ore, combined with advanced image processing algorithms and artificial intelligence technology, to achieve rapid identification and sorting of ore. Specifically, X-ray sorting technology can form Compton effect differences according to the different density, thickness, atomic sequence and other characteristics of ore, thereby realizing the separation of ore and waste rock. The technical advantage of intelligent ore sorting machine lies in its high-precision recognition ability and high degree of automation and intelligence. It can not only improve the processing efficiency of ore, but also reduce environmental pollution, which is in line with the trend of sustainable development of mining. III. Equipment Composition The X-ray intelligent ore sorting machine is mainly composed of the following parts: Vibration distribution system: responsible for evenly distributing the ore on the conveyor belt to ensure that the ore is laid flat in a single layer for efficient sorting. X-ray transmission detection system: including X-ray generators and receivers, used to transmit ore and analyze the internal structure and density differences of the ore. High-definition image recognition system: composed of high-brightness light source and high-definition digital camera, it images the surface features of the ore and provides auxiliary identification information. Computer software algorithm system: through deep learning technology, various characteristic information of ore is studied, and an ore sorting training model is constructed to achieve fast and accurate identification of ore data. Pneumatic mine waste separation system: through the air valve array driven by high-speed actuators, the ore is separated, the waste rock is blown into the waste rock trough, and the useful minerals fall into the sorting bin. IV. Workflow The workflow of the X-ray intelligent ore sorter mainly includes the following steps: Feeding system: After cleaning and grading, the ore is fed into the vibrating feeder, and the ore is evenly distributed on the conveyor belt through mechanical vibration, forming a single-layer flat state and entering the detection area. X-ray transmission detection: The X-ray source continuously transmits the ore, and the X-ray transmission detection system analyzes the density and structure inside the ore through the X-ray generator and receiver. Image processing: The high-definition image recognition system images the surface features of the ore, and the industrial computer processes it. Through the established model recognition and algorithm, useful minerals and gangue minerals are distinguished. Sorting execution: According to the recognition results, the high-speed actuator drives the gas valve array to sort the ore, blow the gangue minerals into the waste rock tank, and the useful minerals fall into the corresponding sorting bin. V. Technical Advantages High recognition accuracy: The X-ray intelligent ore sorter adopts high-precision X-ray transmission technology, with a recognition accuracy of up to 0.4mm, realizing the detection of the internal features of the ore without blind spots. Strong processing capacity: The equipment can handle ores of different particle sizes, and can effectively sort ores from small particles to blocky ores. Energy saving and environmental protection: Compared with traditional hand sorting and mechanical sorting, the X-ray intelligent ore sorting machine does not require water, which reduces energy consumption and environmental pollution. High degree of intelligence: Combined with artificial intelligence, the sorting machine can self-learn and optimize to adapt to the characteristics and sorting requirements of different ores.   VI. Reliability Analysis The reliability of the X-ray intelligent ore sorting machine depends on multiple factors, including but not limited to: Technical maturity: With the continuous development and improvement of technology, the technical maturity of the X-ray intelligent ore sorting machine continues to improve, and its reliability is enhanced accordingly. Equipment structure design: Reasonable structural design can improve the stability and durability of the equipment and reduce the possibility of failure. Material selection: High-quality materials can ensure that the equipment can work normally in harsh environments and extend its service life. Maintenance and overhaul: Regular maintenance and overhaul are important measures to ensure the reliability of the equipment, which can timely discover and eliminate hidden dangers. Technical support: A strong technical support team can provide rapid fault diagnosis and solutions for the equipment to ensure the continuity of production. The X-ray intelligent sorting machine launched by Mingde Optoelectronics uses high-precision dual-energy mining and transmission, which can not only identify minerals with large density differences and high content, but also identify minerals with small density differences and low content, making mineral separation more accurate.   Ⅶ. Maintenance Cycle Analysis The maintenance cycle of X-ray intelligent ore sorting machine usually depends on the following factors: Operating environment: The environmental conditions of the equipment, such as temperature, humidity, etc., will affect the maintenance cycle. Frequency of use: The higher the frequency of use of the equipment, the shorter the required maintenance cycle. Technical condition: The technical condition of the equipment is good, and the maintenance cycle can be appropriately extended. Manufacturer guidance: Following the manufacturer's maintenance guidelines and recommendations can effectively schedule maintenance cycles. Historical records: The maintenance history of the equipment can help predict future maintenance cycles and needs. Ⅷ. Maintenance Cost Analysis Equipment structure and maintenance difficulty The design of the X-ray intelligent ore sorting machine focuses on simplicity and reliability, and its mechanical structure is relatively simple, reducing potential failure points and maintenance difficulties. In contrast, traditional equipment is more difficult to maintain due to its complex structure, and requires more professional skills and tools. The simplified design of the X-ray intelligent ore sorting machine reduces the difficulty of maintenance, and correspondingly reduces maintenance time and cost. Parts replacement cycle and cost The key components of X-ray intelligent ore sorting machines, such as X-ray tubes and other sensors, are designed with a long service life, reducing the need for frequent replacement of parts, thereby reducing maintenance costs. However, due to the rapid wear and tear of traditional equipment during use, parts often need to be replaced, and the maintenance cost is naturally high. Labor and training costs The X-ray intelligent ore sorting machine is highly automated and can achieve 24-hour unmanned ore sorting, reducing labor costs. Operators only need to perform basic monitoring and abnormal handling, which greatly reduces manpower requirements. In addition, maintenance personnel do not need too much professional training to operate proficiently, further reducing training costs. Preventive and corrective maintenance costs The X-ray intelligent ore sorting machine uses advanced predictive maintenance technology, which can detect potential faults in advance and prevent them, reducing emergency repairs. Traditional equipment often requires more regular inspections and repairs, and has higher maintenance costs. IX. Maintenance Precautions The X-ray intelligent ore sorting machine is a high-tech equipment that uses X-ray and artificial intelligence technology for ore sorting. During daily use and maintenance, matters that need attention mainly include equipment structure inspection, cleaning and maintenance, troubleshooting and repair, regular calibration, replacement of wearing parts, operator training and other aspects. Equipment structure inspection Regularly check whether the structure of the X-ray intelligent ore sorter is complete, including but not limited to whether the moving parts such as the housing, conveyor belt, roller, bearing, etc. are abnormally worn or damaged. Any damage or wear found should be replaced or repaired in time to ensure the normal operation of the equipment. Cleaning and maintenance Keep the equipment clean, especially the X-ray source and photoelectric sensor, to prevent dust and debris from accumulating and affecting the detection accuracy and stability of the equipment. Regularly clean the slag and impurities inside the equipment to avoid blockage and corrosion. Troubleshooting and repair Be familiar with the common faults of the X-ray intelligent ore sorter and their troubleshooting methods, such as the troubleshooting and repair of problems such as the power indicator light not lighting up, the conveyor belt not operating, and the X-ray source not emitting. For problems that cannot be solved immediately, professional technicians should be contacted for support in a timely manner. Regular calibration According to the guidelines provided by the manufacturer, the X-ray intelligent ore sorter should be calibrated regularly to ensure the detection accuracy and stability of the equipment. The calibration work should be performed by experienced technicians. Replacement of wearing parts Pay attention to the wearing parts of the equipment, such as X-ray tubes, conveyor belts, injection valves, etc., and replace them in time when necessary. Use original accessories to ensure that the performance of the equipment is not affected. Operator training Provide necessary training for the staff who operate the X-ray intelligent ore sorter so that they can master the correct operation methods and basic maintenance knowledge. Untrained personnel are not allowed to operate the equipment at will to avoid damage. Overall, maintaining the X-ray intelligent ore sorter is a systematic project, which needs to be started from multiple angles to ensure the long-term and stable operation of the equipment. Through regular inspection, cleaning, calibration and maintenance, the service life of the equipment can be greatly extended, and the work efficiency and sorting accuracy can be improved. At the same time, attention should also be paid to sufficient training of operators to ensure that they can properly handle emergencies and ensure the continuity and safety of production.
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